Saturday, September 27, 2008

So far this semester

I'm not even going to try to catch anyone reading this up with life since my last LJ post (roughly 5 months ago!). However, there have already been a series of weird/ noteworthy events since I returned to Shantou almost a month ago. Therefore, so far this semester, I have....
  • Resettled into the apartment, first with Jamin as a very temporary roommate and now with Daniel (only slightly less temporary)
  • Been sad that Bucket (the kitten rescued last semester) had been adopted
  • Been reunited with Bucket for the semester (his new pet human not having factored in the roommate issue when she took him home)
  • Met 7 new ELC teachers, all of whom are nifty colleagues
  • Returned to Xiamen (I went last semester with Philippe and his parents) with 2 of the new group and spent 3 days between the beach and the non-Shantou scenery- it was awesome!
  • Gotten 2 leg massages
  • Eaten long awaited sushi (far too expensive in Paris)
  • Taken part in Freshman Orientation, complete with "Going to the Movies" skit and the Hokey Pokey
  • Graded 87 oral placement tests and over 100 written placement tests, some of which were pretty entertaining and others really impressive
  • Have become a level coordinator, which just means I have to send more emails than a regular level person
  • Celebrates Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinese-style, by eating mooncakes and youzi (kinda like a cross between an apple and a grapefruit) and staring at the moon
  • Have had 2 meetings for English Festival and still no decided list of universities who will come compete
  • Have prepared and taught 2 sets of classes (and really should get on with planning prep 3 since I teach it in 24 hours)
  • Have met, taken pictures of, read quick bios about and assigned homework to 105 new students (there might be 3 more at some point)
  • Have had at least 4 students confused about the homework
  • Have been to EL where I was interrogated about my dislike of beer, my hometown (France...), introduced to Haerbin, asked about the meaning of my Chinese name (then asked again right after I had answered- it means "delicate/ skillful cloud), had someone snap his fingers at me to get my attention and where it was explained to me by a confused student that because his computer is old, if he looks things up on the internet, he'll get less good results than if he uses a new computer (whaaat?!)
  • Have booked tickets to Shanghai, Hangzhou and Suzhou for my October vacation (starting tomorrow night, already!)
  • Made several trips to Wal-Mart, land of the laowai
  • Blended several recipes together to make a new one for Roasted Red Pepper, Onion and Tomato Quiche for a pot-luck
  • Hosted said pot-luck
  • Swum in both the pool and reservoir
  • Been creeped out by a freshman called Benz.
I think that's it! Oh yeah, and...
  • Procrastinated away significant parts of my time since I started teaching by doing "useful things" like setting up mail forwarding and this new blog....

Temporarily Displaced

Due to the strange instability of posting to blogs and accessing them in general in China, I'm having to switch hosts for a while. Blogspot is accessible here, but not Livejournal. I was, until about an hour ago, able to get to Livejournal anyway but now, it's blocked. I'm hoping that will change, but until then, I'll be over here.
Someone mentioned a couple days ago that I'm a posting camel- nothing for a really long time, then a huge life-catching up post. I'm planning to be better this semester, especially as I look towards changing locations and jobs and try to get my mind around leaving this crazy place.