Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back in China

While I put off typing up what I wrote while in Tibet, I'll attempt to put something up here, just so you know I haven't disappeared and that despite the censorship issues, I'll be aiming to keep up with posting this year... which is what I say Every Year.
For now, I'm back in my apartment in Shantou, dealing with year-start stuff- such fascinating activities as faculty meetings, professional development trips to Macau (would be good if the whole trip was actually IN Macau, but it's a lot of bus time and little visit time), freshman orientation (no Yellow Submarine this year, please), and placement tests, grading... the list just goes on.
New teachers seem to be settling in fine. I think this is a shock to a few, but hopefully they'll be ok in a couple of weeks!
I'm hoping to find some fun extra-curricular activity to do as I will not be doing my usual EF/ Coordinator combination. So far the only suggestion I've made that has been retained is a new ELC video. Could be fun, could be hellish... thoughts? It that or admin-y stuff, I think. I was trying to come up with ideas for a "women's issues group", but I worry that it wouldn't be nearly as intelligent and academic and generally awesome as it should be. Aiya, already too much angst and I've been here 48 hours!
Back to a little TV and procrastination of cleaning before faculty meeting.

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