Monday, November 17, 2008

Student businesses- class 1

Turns out I can access the homepage and post blog entries, I just can't read Blogspot... curiouser and curiouser.

At last though, here are the comments and notes from my presentations. I tend to write random notes about funny things they say (on purpose and accidentally) while they talk and I grade so some things might not make sense. I'll post this in 3 more manageable sections:

Class 1:

R-Zone: a bus that has a massage/ relaxing treatments room in back

One group offered to sell a robot superboyfriend: "if you have no boyfriend, he will be there for you. if you have a boyfriend already, he will be stronger than him". One of the students was the robot in the commercial they wrote, then was also the CFO. In his words "I am the financial manager. Also, the product!"

The next group sold materials and offered counseling for people with insomnia because "if you don't sleep well, your money will fly away or you will fall in the river unfortunately and forget how to swim"... wouldn't want that happening! To solve the problems, they have emplyed some "scientologists" who have some knowledge and technical skills... I worry! It is also good to get advice and more sleep because that way, you can (hallelujah!) avoid awkward conversations such as:
"-I have found my true love!
-I know! It's me!
-No it's not! because of your panda eyes!"

After this, I discovered, that there is a way to go back in time with a new time machine. The advertising for this went like so: "Do you miss your ancestors? I'm sure you so, so you can travel back in time to chat with them. Or do you like to go back to the Jurassic? You can go back and enjoy the deep forests and the dinosaurs"... I'm pretty sure that Spielberg already showed us just how bad an idea that is!

My next group of businessmen wanted to market paintbrushes made of baby hair to help you keep memories of your child's first few days. But if you want uch memories and the idea of such a thing makes you uncomfortable (as it did me!) you can opt for wax molds of their little hands and feet, which, though I know it's a real business creeps me out somewhat.
This same group uttered the line "advertising for a company is like a face for human beings; without a face, how can you be known?" before they teased us about the location of their business: "do you know why we choose Hangzhou? I don't want to tell you, because it is a secret!" Their phone number 13411988888, I believe, has a special meaning too.

The second to last group started their presentation with an imagined scene from Heroes where Peter Petrelli who can absorb powers meets with a friend who is powerless. They eat their dinner and Peter falls dead while his powerless friend survives... why?! because of a tiny smart chip in the other guy's watch! This chip can not only help you keep a balanced diet by analyzing your nutrition and make suggestions, but also reverse harmful chemical processes in your stomach and counter poison. Pretty amazing, huh? The students' company was called HK (do you know what it stands for? Hong Kong? No, you are smart, but I am smarter!) and they included a fashion show to showcase how the chip could be incorporated into a student's, a fashionista's or a worker's outfit.

I had a straggler group the week after whose product was "magic seeds to grow all kinds of food". They marketed them under the name McDonDon, a very obvious rip-off of McDonald's complete with yellow arches. An awesome idea though, with such things are icre-cream seeds, hamburger seeds, spaghetti seeds and the like. Just add water and you get the real thing. Perfect!

1 comment:

Hamster said...

That insomnia one made me splutter tea all over my laptop!!

But now I know why I have difficulty sleeping... I need counselling from scientologists... thanks for the tip!