Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A few quotes

From random times this semester:

I just have to consummate my speaking paper. (last step of a process essay about prepping a meeting)

I went to the tonsorial shop for my hair cut.

Last week I watching movie. That movie is very hot. (from oral post-tests-can't remember the question or imagine what it could have been to get that response)

Sunday is the first day of a week. (response to describing a typical day of the week)

My father, he often go to bed with somebody [...] it is bad [...] maybe it is good (who do you admire most?)

Everyone make a drink (I think this was a mispronounced "dream")

My major is civil engineer, I want to be an architecture. (At least he knows his word forms, if not when to use them)

I frown upon ghosts. (vocab sentence for "frown upon")

We can see many loose boys and girls in the foreign films. (sentence for "loose")

He has hygienic hobbits. (sentence for "hygienic". may have been badly written "habbits")

The next round of essays should be fun.


Hamster said...

Hygienic hobbits!!


Miss Linguist said...
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Miss Linguist said...

Maybe, in my opinion, I think hygienic hobbits are the best kind of hobbits.