Tuesday, September 15, 2009

As predicted...

grading oral tests was rather painful, "soothingly akin to having one's teeth drilled". The norming was fine and unexciting, though it did contain the first gem of the day: "my goal is to be a journ" (that was all he said in 1:30 mn).

I took notes on the best quotes and, ladies and gentlemen, here they are in no particular order:

- 'Journ boy' also had: "If I plan, I will have a good lung" (mispronounced "luck", maybe?)
- "making them sing is bad" (who or why? I don't know)
- "he is too young and he just globe up"
- "it isn't normal to pick my bum at the meeting" ("it isn't normal to pick up my phone at the meeting"... I hope, since that was the question!)
- "it help me correct my fat"
- "he found himself the wrong/ long loon/ loom" ("wrong room")
- "you can bring some information from his eyes" (please explain this procedure...)
- "wearing the school uniform is clean and clear" ("and under control")
- "Washington, an African president, when he was a boy, cut off his uncle's tree" (something about the lying about it... response to "Honesty is the best policy": discuss)
- "I will success, I will succeess, I will succeed" (just keep on tryin')
- "I don't think it's the right thing because it's the wrong thing" (no logical argument escapes your logic, does it?)
- "devil usually forgot homework, devil make fewer friends" ("they will"?)
- "I think I could be a good future... I want to be a sportsnews"
- "we can know each nother"
- "the phenomenons of the meeting" (noteworthy because the rest of the response wasn't nearly good enough to include the word "phenomenon" to refer to people picking up their cellphones)
- "the peer should try his best to streak the children to watch TV"
- "maybe that student is very hairy" ("in a hurry"?)
- "... it is too big and too long... just like mine" (I tuned it at that point and wasn't motivated enough to find out what "it" could possibly refer to in this girl's answer... all I know is it had nothing to do with any prompt on the list!)
- "my mother told me how to do a man... he's a teacher to Chinese and my Chinese is very good" (considering that "he" could refer either to a man or this guy's mother, I have no idea what this could possibly mean, but it was about someone the student admired)
-"every coin has two, has two, has two... [peels]" (maybe "peels"... unsure about what actually came out, but since everyone knows this saying and overuses it, it's refreshing to find someone clueless about what 2 things a coin could have!)

Then there was the guy who told the story of The Boy Who Cried Wolf to explain that honesty is, indeed, the best policy, including the common phrase "the boy was so boring" as a reason for why he called out "Wolf!"

The usual mispronunciations of "room" (loom, womb, loon), "decision" (with an "ai" sound in the middle), "success" ("succex") and "abroad" (as in "aboard") (also misused as in the phrase "get my education in abroad/ a broad..." eek!).

D in the video was refered to as "the room master" several times, which I also found vastly entertaining. Got to find your fun where you can!

In other news, I have been rereading blogs written by former colleagues and entertaining new ones with the contents- hilarious, and such good memories. Today was kind of a "down with here and life alone" day, so hoping that tomorrow is better! Stupid stress and anxiety!

1 comment:

j.renee said...

Gaelle, you crack me up. Your writing is awesome! Keep it coming. I think, from now on, that I'm referring to a certain someone as "the room master".