Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Because the STU possess many forigener teacher

Grading this morning was as speedy as predicted and not nearly as painful as feared! In barely 3 hours, we normed, graded and giggled over quite ridiculous samples of freshman writing. The group I was put in for norming was led by our assistant director and everything went quite smoothly. We only had disagreement once and it barely mattered. We quickly got down to the fun business of searching for juicy quote-wall material, while occasionally writing down a number between 0 and 5 on the paper (it was actually more scientific than that but where's the fun in writing "we read and graded some essays"?).

As usual, I wouldn't want to be the only one to derive entertainment from required grading, so here are today's contributions to your new and improved methods of communication (be sure to use at least one of these today, preferably complete with awkward spelling and random extra letters):

- "To tell the turth, I did pulzzed" (rearrange these letters to make real words)
- "I believe I can fly because of my new heaven- STU" (in stark contrast to 90% of the essays that claimed STU wasn't really a place they wanted to be and definitely NOT their first choice)
- "Genious is 1 percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent prespiration" (yes, I know this isn't an original quote, but to me, the spelling just made it that much more delicious)
- "We can learn english from the forigen doctor. We can join the ELC and make some difficult friends. More important, it can teach me to be." (yeah.... henceforth, I would like to be referred to as a "forigen doctor")
- "through my effort to service other people and provide envience to people, I [...] want to make the world more beautiful" (no comment)
- "STU owns many exerlant teacher and student"
- "it is so butifull" (yup, full of 'buti's)
-"It is said that Shantou University is a beautiful school. Because there is rounded with a little hill so all kind of trees where and there. This make me such expect." (this one had many, many more good tidbits!)
- "We have a large and a amazing liberty liberary."

On the other end of the scale, there was one that successfully used "diligent" and "acquire". There is a whole essay that deserves to be immortalized, but I think I'll have to photograph it rather than typing it out so no part of the overall effect is lost.

Finally, as you read these, and future "quotes posts", please remember that I'm not making fun of the students, but merely enjoying the strange things that come from language learners! I'm sure I've said way worse things (case in point, as the cleaning lady was leaving yesterday, I said "你好,谢谢"... I realize that thanking her was good, but I think saying "hello" after she'd been in my house for 30 minutes may have struck her as weird!).
 Anyone have any good/ awkward language learning stories?

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